[R] double boostrap with clusterApplyLB

Michela Cameletti michela.cameletti at unibg.it
Mon Dec 11 16:11:40 CET 2006

Dear R-Users,
we are using a linux-cluster with RMPI and the snow package.
We would like to do a double boostrap.
We have a general function that implements the first boostrap (the outer) and
we are wondering if we can include another bootstrap (the inner) in the
same general function including another clusterApplyLB.

For example:

general function = function(...) {
      clusterApplyLB(cl, fun,...) }
where "fun" is the function for the inner boostrap

outer bootstrap = clusterApplyLB(cl,general function,...)

Does R accept this kind of expression?
Thank you very much in advance,
Michela and Marco

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