[R] Pb with R.matlab

Arthur Leblois leblois at clipper.ens.fr
Fri Dec 22 11:17:07 CET 2006


I have problems running the R.matlab package. I work with R 2.3.1, under 
windows (using the Rgui). It seems that, even after loading the package, 
the "simple" functions such as writeMat() or readMat() are not recognized.

For example, the following script leads to an error:

> install.packages("R.matlab")
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
essai de l'URL 
Content type 'application/zip' length 177859 bytes
URL ouverte
downloaded 173Kb

package 'R.matlab' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded packages are in
         C:\Documents and Settings\Arthur Leblois\Local 
updating HTML package descriptions

> A <- matrix(1:27, ncol=3)
> B <- as.matrix(1:10)
> writeMat("matrix.mat", A=A, B=B)
Erreur : impossible de trouver la fonction "writeMat"

(the last line means, in french: "Error: function "writeMat" not found")

If anyone has an idea what is happening and why it doesn't work, please 
let me know.

Arthur Leblois

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