[R] [Fwd: [AGDG-LIST:428] Summer Course in Guelph]

Gregor Gorjanc gregor.gorjanc at bfro.uni-lj.si
Sat Dec 23 20:54:21 CET 2006

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AGDG-LIST:428] Summer Course in Guelph
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 09:12:24 -0500
From: Larry Schaeffer <lrs at uoguelph.ca>
Reply-To: lrs at uoguelph.ca
To: Animal Geneticist's Discussion <agdg-list at colostate.edu>

The Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock at the University of
Guelph is pleased
to announce a one week summer course entitled "Animal Breeding
Applications Using R" to be
given by Bill Szkotnicki and Larry Schaeffer from June 11 to June 15,
2007.  Details will be
available in the new year on the CGIL website:

The content of the course will be:

Introduction to R
Getting data in and out
Introductory statistical models
Packages and graphics functions
Distributions and simulations
Developing your own functions
Accessing the operating system
Database connectivity
Programming in R using Fortran and C subroutines
Animal breeding applications
- Inbreeding routines
- Animal models
- Iteration on data
- Maternal genetic effects
- Multiple traits
- Random regression
- Threshold models
- Genomic applications

On the application form you will be able to indicate particular problems
you would like to see covered, and we will try to work them into the

Lep pozdrav / With regards,
    Gregor Gorjanc
University of Ljubljana     PhD student
Biotechnical Faculty
Zootechnical Department     URI: http://www.bfro.uni-lj.si/MR/ggorjan
Groblje 3                   mail: gregor.gorjanc <at> bfro.uni-lj.si

SI-1230 Domzale             tel: +386 (0)1 72 17 861
Slovenia, Europe            fax: +386 (0)1 72 17 888

"One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it,
 you have no certainty until you try." Sophocles ~ 450 B.C.

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