[R] sequential row selection in dataframe

Pedro Mardones mardones.p at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 06:07:57 CET 2006

Dear all;

I'm wondering if there is any 'efficient' approach for selecting a
sample of 'every nth rows'  from a dataframe. For example, let's use
the dataframe GAGurine in MASS library:

> length(GAGurine[,1])
[1] 314

# select an 75% of the dataset, i.e. = 236 rows, every 2 rows starting
from row 1
> test<-GAGurine[seq(1,314,2),]
> length(test[,1])
[1] 157

# so, I still need another 79 rows, one way could be:
> length(test2[,1])
[1] 157
> test3<-test2[seq(1,157,2),]

# and then
> length(final[,1])
[1] 236

Does anyone have a better idea to get the same results but without
creating different datasets like test2 and test3?


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