[R] novice questions about programming in "R"

Richard Evans revans at jlab.org
Mon Feb 6 22:34:39 CET 2006


I have been struggling with the "R" documentation for too long now and 
I need a simple answer on two questions. The documentation does not 
have adequate examples. Please help. 

given two equal vector lists: 
   A <- c(0,1,2,3) 
   B <- c(5,6,7,8) 

[Question #1] 
how do I dump them to a text file with the following format: 
[line 1] 0.0000000    5.0000000 
[line 2] 1.0000000    6.0000000 
[line 3] 2.0000000    7.0000000 
[line 4] 3.0000000    8.0000000 

[Question #2] 
how do you make log-log plot that looks 
like it was plotted on log-log graph paper? 

many thanks, 
- revansx

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