[R] rotating axis / mtext labels

Iain Gallagher iaingallagher at btopenworld.com
Wed Feb 8 11:33:53 CET 2006

Hello list.

Is it possible to use par(srt=45) to rotate text by 45 degrees along the 
x-axis of a plot. Using:


x_names<-c("C57 Nv", "C57 Vacc", "129 Nv", "129 Vacc", "IFNgR Nv", "IFNgR Vacc")
mtext(font=2, x_names, side=1, line=1, at=l, cex=1.2)


doesn't seem to work in R 2.2.0 on SUSE linux.

Suggestions would be appreciated thanks.


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