[R] command line completion in R?

Berwin A Turlach berwin at maths.uwa.edu.au
Fri Feb 10 18:04:33 CET 2006

>>>>> "DR" == David Ruau <druau at ukaachen.de> writes:

    DR> Hi, I was wondering if there were a option to have command
    DR> line completion in R like in the Bash shell?
Of course, via Emacs and ESS :-)

For ESS see: http://ess.r-project.org/
For Emacs see: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html

In fact, I got so used to command line completion, that I am hopeless
on any other interface to R since I cannot remeber the correct spelling
of (some) commands ;-)




========================== Full address ============================
Berwin A Turlach                      Tel.: +61 (8) 6488 3338 (secr)   
School of Mathematics and Statistics        +61 (8) 6488 3383 (self)      
The University of Western Australia   FAX : +61 (8) 6488 1028
35 Stirling Highway                   
Crawley WA 6009                e-mail: berwin at maths.uwa.edu.au
Australia                        http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~berwin

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