[R] 2 barplots in the same graph

Marc Schwartz (via MN) mschwartz at mn.rr.com
Wed Feb 22 16:57:01 CET 2006

On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 14:31 +0100, jia ding wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a very simple question about "2 barplots in the same graph".
> It seems quite easy, but I searched google for long time, haven't find
> solution.
> For example, I want one graph like:
> x1=seq(0,2,by=0.3)
> x2=seq(3,0,by=-0.1)
> barplot(x1,col="red")
> barplot(x2,col="green")
> It means if it's on the same graph, some bars are overlaped.
> So if the bars are hollow, instead of filled with color, it will be better.
> Actually, I think it's something similar with matlab's "hold on" command.
> Thanks!
> Nina

I may be misinterpreting your question, but do you want something like

 x1 <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.3)
 x2 <- seq(3, 0, by = -0.1)

 # Set bar fill to white, border to green
 barplot(x2, col = "white", border ="green")

 # Set bar fill to white, border to red and add to prior plot
 barplot(x1, col = "white", border = "red", add = TRUE)

See the 'add' and 'border' arguments in ?barplot.


Marc Schwartz

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