[R] partial mantel test

alexa@cenpat.edu.ar alexa at cenpat.edu.ar
Thu Feb 23 15:27:55 CET 2006

I would like to know how to run  a partial mantel test controlling for spatial 
autocorrelation and correlation with other environmental variables. It seems that 
with function included in vegan for partial mantel test I can only test for the 
relationship between two variables controlling for the effect of a third one.
Thanks a lot
Lic. Alexandra Sapoznikow
Centro Nacional Patagonico - CENPAT - CONICET
Bvd. Brown S/N
Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
Tel: 54-2965/451024/450401/451301/451375
Fax: 54-2965/45154
E-mail: alexa at cenpat.edu.ar

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