[R] Fuzzy version of prop.test

Maciej Bliziński m.blizinski at wit.edu.pl
Mon Feb 27 11:50:12 CET 2006

Is there such thing as a fuzzy version of prop.test?

Let's say I have the output from cmeans, i.e. set of clusters. Every
object belongs to each cluster "in a fuzzy way".

object cluster1 group dependentvar
obj1       0.21     A            1
obj2       0.84     A            0
obj3       0.90     B            1
obj4       0.02     B            0

Having data in above form, is it possible to perform (something like) a
prop.test against groups A and B, inside cluster1? Since every object
belongs to cluster1 "to some degree", every observation should apply to
the test "to some degree". Is there already a test in R that does that?
Can you recommend a relevant reading?

Maciej Bliziński <m.blizinski at wit.edu.pl>

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