[R] obtaining means/SD after fitting a mixed model

Pablo Inchausti inchausti at cebc.cnrs.fr
Mon Feb 27 19:13:24 CET 2006

I am running (non-balanced) mixed models (using library lme4) such as :
model1<-glmmPQL(Y~grouping variable+ covariate, random=~1|yr/month, 
data=dat, family= gaussian or poisson)
and besides the usual output in terms of the statistical significance of 
the fitted coefficients, I'd like to obtain the adjusted means and standard 
deviations (as one obtains after fitting a lm model). My problem is that I 
cannot find a command equivalent to "model.table (model, grouping variable, 
mean/sd)" that would apply to mixed models. Any suggestion would be 
Thanks in advance


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