[R] Slight fault in error messages

Yan Wong h.y.wong at leeds.ac.uk
Tue Jun 13 13:27:48 CEST 2006

Just a quick point which may be easy to correct. Whilst typing the  
wrong thing into R 2.2.1, I noticed the following error messages,  
which seem to have some stray quotation marks and commas in the list  
of available families. Perhaps they have been corrected in the latest  
version (sorry, I don't want to upgrade yet, but it should be easy to  

 > glm(1 ~ 2, family=quasibinomial(link=foo))
Error in quasibinomial(link = foo) : ‘foo’ link not available for  
quasibinomial family, available links are "logit", ", ""probit" and  

 > glm(1 ~ 2, family=binomial(link=foo))
Error in binomial(link = foo) : link "foo" not available for binomial  
family, available links are "logit", ""probit", "cloglog", "cauchit"  
and "log"

I hope this is helpful,


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