[R] y-axis break with lattice graphics

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 23:11:15 CEST 2006

On 6/28/06, Jason Curole <jcurole at usc.edu> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to incorporate a y-axis break (i.e. the lightning bolt
> style) in an xyplot (using panel.superpose).  I have tried to do this
> manually using panel.line, but panel.line will not draw to the left
> of the y-axis (or on the y-axis for that matter).  I would prefer not
> to have to do this by hand, but I feel like I am running out of options.
> The figure can be viewed here (http://threeridge.usc.edu/
> Figure1.revised.pdf).  The solid, green, horizontal line above the
> 20000 tick is where I would like to draw the break.  NB, this solid,
> horizontal line should extend beyond the y-axis to the left, but is
> clearly cut off.  I can post the source if necessary.

Try adding

  par.settings = list(clip = list(panel = "off"))


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