[R] data import

dai connie connie_dly at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 22 00:07:13 CET 2006

Hi, all

nice to be in such a nice mailing list.

I have a questions about importing a data with postfix xls. The data, each 
of which has different length, looks like

12 23 34 56 78 19
12 34 35 93 89 20 10 40
12 44 202 39 39 59 49 39 439

I tried to save the data as txt file first and still confused how to read 
data with unequal 
lines. Seems each lines are separated by "\n" and each number by "\t". I 
tried the code like

a<-read.table("b.txt",sep="\t",strip.white =TRUE, fill=T)

and it turned out to be a disaster. I really need your help. 

Thanks a lot!

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