[R] TukeyHSD for repeated measures aov ?

WPhantom wp1 at tiscali.fr
Tue Mar 28 13:04:52 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I search the archive for finding a simple 
solution for using TukeyHSD with a multistratum 
aov result (a repeated emasure anova). The Question have
been asked but I've found no clear answer.

res<-aov(y~Fa*Fb+Error(Subject/(Fa*Fb)) )

I think that the problem is that res is an 
aovlist object instead of the "aov" object required by TukeyHSD.

Is there an easy solution to this problem ?

Sylvain Clément

JE Neuropsychologie et Cognition Auditive
UFR de Psychologie
BP 60149, Université Ch. de Gaulle Lille 3
Domaine universitaire "Pont de Bois"
59 653 Villeneuve d'ascq Cedex

tél : (03 20 41) 64 42

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