[R] quantiles of the inverse chi-squared

Ekkehart Bethge bethge at ifh.uni-karlsruhe.de
Thu May 4 18:55:11 CEST 2006

I'm looking for a easy way to calculate the quantiles (e.g. 95% quantile) of the inverse chi-squared distribution. This distribution is used as a prior for some bayesian inference calculation, which I want to achieve analyticaly. Is it possible to calculate it through the inverse cdf option of the chi-squared function (qchisq)? The only other functions which I found for the inverse chi-squared are the density and random number generation function invchisq in the geoR-package.
If there is no easy way to calculate it, I would be glad if anybody knows where to find a complete set of the tabulated quantiles. Thank you very much.
Yours Ekkehart 
Dipl. Geoökol. Ekkehart Bethge

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Graduiertenkolleg Naturkatastrophen

Institut für Hydromechanik
Kaiserstraße 12
D - 76128 Karlsruhe

Phone: ++49 721 608 7793
Email: bethge at ifh.uka.de

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