[R] How to call a value labels attribute?

Heinz Tuechler tuechler at gmx.at
Tue May 23 02:17:21 CEST 2006

Dear All,

after searching on CRAN I got the impression that there is no standard way
in R to label values of a numerical variable.
Since this would be useful for me I intend to create such an attribute, at
the moment for my personal use.
Still I would like to choose a name which does not conflict with names of
commonly used attributes.

Would value.labels or vallabs create conflicts?

The attribute should be structured as data.frame with two columns, levels
(numeric) and labels (character). These could then also be used to
transform from numeric to factor. If the attribute is copied to the factor
variable it could also serve to retransform the factor to the original
numerical variable.

Comments? Ideas?


Heinz Tüchler

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