[R] R_WinEdt question

Mark Wardle mark at wardle.org
Thu Nov 30 12:10:44 CET 2006

Aimin Yan wrote:
> if I want to put fig1plot to the left, figYPplot to the right
> figYAaplot on the bottom.
> How to modify the following cod to do these?

An example is below.

I obviously won't include examples of how to use par() as these have
been documented in detail almost everywhere, and if you feel the need to
ask, then go and look in the documentation.

<<figureone, fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>=

<<figuretwo, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=
\caption{Overall caption}


Dr. Mark Wardle
Clinical research fellow and Specialist Registrar in Neurology,
C2-B2 link, Cardiff University, Heath Park, CARDIFF, CF14 4XN. UK

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