[R] Quicker way of combining vectors into a data.frame

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at comcast.net
Thu Nov 30 18:34:56 CET 2006


One more note, which is that even timing the direct data frame creation
on my system with colnames, again using the same 10 numeric columns, I

> system.time(DF1 <- data.frame(lc.ratio = Col1, Q = Col2, fNupt = Col3,
                                rho.n = Col4, rho.s = Col5, 
                                net.Nimm = Col6, net.Nden = Col7, 
                                CLminN = Col8, CLmaxN = Col9, 
                                CLmaxS = Col10))
[1] 0.012 0.000 0.028 0.000 0.000

> str(DF1)
'data.frame':   4471 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ lc.ratio: num   0.1423  0.1873 -1.8129  0.0255 -1.7650 ...
 $ Q       : num   0.8340 -0.2387 -0.0864 -1.1184 -0.3368 ...
 $ fNupt   : num  -0.1718 -0.0549  1.5194 -1.6127 -1.2019 ...
 $ rho.n   : num  -0.740  0.240  0.522 -1.492  1.003 ...
 $ rho.s   : num  -0.2363 -1.6248 -0.3045  0.0294  0.1240 ...
 $ net.Nimm: num  -0.774  0.947 -1.098  0.809  1.216 ...
 $ net.Nden: num  -0.198 -0.135 -0.300 -0.618 -0.784 ...
 $ CLminN  : num   0.924 -3.265  0.211  0.813  0.262 ...
 $ CLmaxN  : num   0.3212 -0.0502 -0.9978  0.9005 -1.6535 ...
 $ CLmaxS  : num  -0.520  0.278 -0.546 -0.925  1.507 ...

So there is something else going on, either with your code or some other
conflict, unless my assumptions about your data are incorrect.



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