[R] mcmcsamp-CI instead of P-values - references?

Gregor Gorjanc gregor.gorjanc at bfro.uni-lj.si
Fri Oct 6 22:03:04 CEST 2006

Henrik Parn <henrik.parn <at> bio.ntnu.no> writes:

> Dear all,
> Given the discussions and issues of d.f., p-values and mcmcsamp-CIs in 
> mixed models, I wonder if anyone could recommend one or two papers (or 
> other citable sources for that sake) that summarizes the arguments 
> for/against P-values/mcCIs.
> I have followed the discussions on R-help and have learnt a lot (in my 
> naive non-statistician way). With all respect to all great 
> contributions, I may need published articles (if there are any), that 
> could be suitable to use in the Methods-section of a manuscript, to 
> motivate a no-p-values-but-some-nice-mcmcsampCIs-instead-approach!

Book (Bayesian Data Analysis) by Gelman et al. is very good source of this and 
much more. You might also find his papers and blog interesting



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