[R] Lattice plot with fitted curves

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 23:03:40 CEST 2006

> I have some data which consists of time series for a number of sites. It
> appears that there is not much autocorrelation in the data and I have
> fitted a cubic for each site using lm. I would like to obtain a lattice
> plot with one panel for each site and showing the original data, and the
> fitted cubic.

This is very easy to do with ggplot:


p <- ggplot(temp, . ~ LocCode, aes=list(y=Density, x=Year))
(p <- ggpoint(p))
ggsmooth(p, method=lm, formula=y~poly(x,3))

You can also do it with fitted values in another column.

temp$fitted <- fitted(paraslm1)

p <- ggplot(temp, . ~ LocCode, aes=list(y=Density, x=Year))
(p <- ggpoint(p))
ggline(p, aes=list(y=fitted))


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