[R] formatting data to be analysed using multinomial logistic regression (nnet)

Bob Green bgreen at dyson.brisnet.org.au
Sun Sep 10 22:24:16 CEST 2006

I am looking into using the multinomial logistic regression option in the 
nnet library and have two questions about formatting the data.

1. Can data be analysed in the following format  or does it need to be 
transformed into count data, such as the housing data in MASS?

Id	Crime	paranoia	hallucinate	toc	disorg	crimhist		age
1	2	1		0		1	0	1		25
2	2	0		1		1	1	1		37
3	1	1		0		1	1	0		42			
4	3	0		0		0	0	1		25
5	2	1		0		1	0	0		49

2.    Can a ratio variable such as $age be included into a model, such as 
the one below?

crimepred <- glm  (crime ~ paranoia + hallucinate + toc  + crimhist, family 
= poisson, data = mht )

Any assistance with the above is appreciated,


Bob Green

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