[R] odfWeave help

Mario Alfonso Morales Rivera malfonso at telecom.com.co
Tue Sep 19 14:18:12 CEST 2006

Hi R users

I haven't  run odfWeave example, R give me:

Setting wd to
  Copying  C:/ARCHIV~1/R/R-23~1.1/library/odfWeave/examples/simple.odt
  Decompressing ODF file using unzip -o "simple.odt"
Erro en odfWeave(demoFile, outputFile) : Error unzipping file
Además: Warning message: unzip no encontrado

I have installed WinZip, WinRar and I have downloaded unzip too, and
uncompress into  "C:/Archivos de programa/unzip"

I don´t know how configure odfWeave so it find unzip

can you help me ?????

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