[R] cat(), Rgui, and support for carriage return \r...

Jeffrey Racine racinej at mcmaster.ca
Thu Sep 28 15:52:50 CEST 2006

Dear Brian, Duncan, et al.

A followup and quick question if I may regarding support for \r. First,
the R terminal and the windows console now support \r properly
(thanks!). However, I just got my hands on a macbook, installed the
latest R and R.app gui, and it appears that \r is not supported in the
OS X gui build on the R site. Would it be possible to add this support?

Thank you for your time and contributions to the R community.

-- Jeff

On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 17:00 +0100, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> Rgui now supports \r in the same way as rterm.

Professor J. S. Racine         Phone:  (905) 525 9140 x 23825
Department of Economics        FAX:    (905) 521-8232
McMaster University            e-mail: racinej at mcmaster.ca
1280 Main St. W.,Hamilton,     URL:
Ontario, Canada. L8S 4M4

`The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance'

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