[R] Positioning in xyplot

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 01:07:18 CEST 2007

On 4/10/07, Michael Kubovy <kubovy at virginia.edu> wrote:
> Dear R-helpers,
> I have an xyplot
> of the following kind:
> xYplot(y ~ x | p, groups = factor(gg, levels = c('1', '5', '2', '4',
> '3')),
>         strip = strip.custom(var.name = 'g', factor.levels = c(1', '5', '2',
> '4', '3'),
>                 strip.levels = T, strip.names = T, sep = ' = ', shingle.intervals =
> NULL),
>         data = df, type = 'b', label.curves = F, layout = c(2, 3),
>         )
> Currently this puts the panels as follows
> 3
> 2  4
> 1  5
> I need:
>    3
> 2   4
> 1   5
> How can I do this? Any help will be much appreciated.

I don't understand what you mean. If you meant this:

    |   |
|   |   |
|   |   |

then see Sundar's answer. If you meant this:

  |   |
|   |   |
|   |   |

then you are out of luck (unless you are willing to do some low level coding).


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