[R] Getting and using a function

Wee-Jin Goh wjgoh at brookes.ac.uk
Fri Apr 13 15:24:31 CEST 2007

> One example among many: I tell it
> library (gam)  all I get is an error message.
> Error in library (gam)  : there is no package called 'gam'
> Well, does this mean what it says, or does it mean something  
> different? For
> example, does it mean that such-and-such computer program has not  
> yet been
> downloaded?

It just means you need to install the library as R comes with only  
the default libraries. To install the gam library, use the following  

install.packages("gam", dependencies = TRUE)

It downloads and installs the gam package and all its dependencies.  
You can use this for installing any package you find.


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