[R] spatial/ patches and gaps/ SADIE

Sam McClatchie Sam.McClatchie at noaa.gov
Thu Apr 26 17:33:58 CEST 2007

Linux kernel 2.6.15 Ubuntu dapper
R version 2.4.1
ESS on Emacs 21.4.1

I have some spatial patterns of sardine eggs (presence /absence) over 50 
years (270 surveys) and I'd like to quantify the patches and gaps to 
determine how many patches (i.e. spawning areas) there were before the 
fishery collapse (1951-1965) and during recovery (post 1985). The 
sampling domain runs from San Francisco to the Mexican border and out 
beyond the continental shelf. The grid spacing is  fairly sparse (30 to 
70 km), and irregular (closer nearshore than offshore)(see CalCOFI web 
pages if you are interested: <http://www.calcofi.org/>).

I thought that SADIE 
<http://www.rothamsted.ac.uk/pie/sadie/SADIE_home_page_1.htm> might be 
useful, and am wondering if anyone has implemented this analysis method 
in R? I have failed to find any implementation on the R-site search, 
through google, or looking at the R packages browse by topic page.

Best fishes


Sam McClatchie,
Fisheries oceanographer
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, 
8604 La Jolla Shores Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037-1508, U.S.A.
email <Sam.McClatchie at noaa.gov>
work phone: 858 546 7083
Cellular:  858 752 8495
Research home page <http://www.fishocean.info>
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