[R] A complicated 'aggregate'

Josh Quigley josh.quigley at tibra.com.au
Wed Aug 1 01:46:39 CEST 2007


I have a financial (zoo) time series with prices and volumes (although I can
get the coredata as a matrix). Due to the data-source some indices have
multiple observations. I want to aggregate these according to a weighted

11:00:01	34	1000
11:00:01	35	 500
11:00:01	35	1000
11:00:02	34	 500
11:00:02	35	 500

should become

11:00:01	34.6	2500
11:00:02	34.5	1000

I currently do this using a loop, and the result is abysmally slow:

f <- function(x)
  retval <- c(0, 0);
  x <- coredata(x);

  retval[2] <- sum(x[,2]);
  retval[1] <- sum(x[,1] * x[,2]) / retval[2];

#ts is a zoo timeseries
uniqueTimes <- unique(index(ts))
tmpMat <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(uniqueTimes))
    tmpMat <- rbind(tmpMat, f(ts[uniqueTimes[i]]));

ts.agg <- zooreg(tmpMat, order.by=uniqueTimes);

I'm sure the above can be done with aggregate or tapply or by or something,
but I haven't managed to get those to work.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!


Josh Quigley.

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