[R] plot to postscript orientation

Prof Brian Ripley ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Fri Aug 3 14:47:34 CEST 2007

Do you have the Orientation menu set to 'Auto'?
The effect described seems that if 'Rotate media' is selected, which it 
should not be.

The files look fine to me in GSView 4.8 on Windows and other viewers on 
Linux.  I agree with Uwe that it is a viewer issue (most reported 
postscript/PDF are).

On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, John Kane wrote:

> I seem to see the same problem that Miruna gets just
> to confirm that it is not just her set-up.
> I'm using GSview4.8 if that helps
> --- Uwe Ligges <ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
> wrote:
>> Miruna Petrescu-Prahova wrote:
>>>  Hi
>>>  I am trying to save some plots in a postscript
>> file. When I generate the
>>> plots in the main window, they appear correctly -
>> their orientation is
>>> landscape (i.e., horizontal). However, when I open
>> the .ps file with GSview,
>>> the whole page appears vertically, and the plot
>> appears horizontally, which
>>> means that the plot is only partially visible
>> (example here
> https://webfiles.uci.edu/mpetresc/postscript.files/default.ps
>> ). I searched
>>> the R-help mailing list archive and found 2
>> suggestions: setting the width
>>> and height and setting horizontal = FALSE. I have
>> tried setting the width
>>> and height but it makes no difference. I have also
>> tried using "horizontal =
>>> FALSE". This rotates and elongates the plot, but
>> it is still displayed
>>> horizontally on a vertical page, and so only
>> partially  visible (example
>>> here
> https://webfiles.uci.edu/mpetresc/postscript.files/horiz.false.ps).
>> I
>>> am not sure what is wrong. Plots are created with
>> "filled.contour".
>> I guess this is a misconfiguration of your GSview.
>> The plots are fine
>> for me. Anyway, you might also want to set the
>> argument
>> paper="special" in the postscript() call.
>> Uwe Ligges
>>>  Thanks
>>>  Miruna
>>> ************************************************
>>> Miruna Petrescu-Prahova
>>> Department of Sociology
>>> University of California, Irvine
>>> mpetresc at uci.edu
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Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
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