[R] labelling plots with ancillary data in data.frame

Wesley Roberts WRoberts at csir.co.za
Tue Aug 14 15:57:04 CEST 2007

Hi All,

I am busy using R to do some regression modelling and have been using plot(x,y,"") to visualise my variables. I would now like to label my points using data stored in the data.frame used for the regression analysis. For example each of my data points is made up of a field measured forest volume value and a remotely sensed vegetation estimate (NDVI). Each point is an enumeration plot and I would like to label each the points in the xy-scatterplot with their respective plot numbers. Is this possible in R, if so how do I go about doing it?

Many thanks for your help


Wesley Roberts MSc.
Researcher: Forest Assessment (Remote Sensing & GIS)
Forestry and Forest Products Research Centre
Tel: +27 (31) 242-2353
Fax: +27 (31) 261-1216

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