[R] Scatterplot Showing All Points

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Tue Dec 18 18:57:36 CET 2007

On 12/18/2007 11:21 AM, James W. MacDonald wrote:
> Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> Yes, I agree.  (As an aside, there's actually a capital S in 
>> smoothScatter(), and it's a bit of a pain to install, because 
>> geneplotter depends on something that depends on DBI, which is not so 
>> easily available these days.)
> Somehow I always forget the capital S and wonder if I have loaded the 
> correct package ;-D
> As for installing the required dependencies, I believe this is actually 
> quite straightforward:
> source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
> biocLite("geneplotter")
> Should install geneplotter and all required dependencies.

Yes, that works.  Not sure why DBI was unavailable for a simple install 
of geneplotter from the Windows Rgui; when I try it now (on a different 
PC, maybe using a different mirror) it's there.

Duncan Murdoch

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