[R] tcltk again

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 18:19:01 CET 2007

On Dec 30, 2007, at 11:55 AM, Richard Müller wrote:

> Oops, I just sent the wrong mail. It should be the following one.  
> Please
> delete my mail from 30.Dez. 17:51
> Sorry, but I don't really understand the recommended method using  
> the tk-Box
> "tkGetSaveFile".
> I wrote the following code:
> X11()
> # some code to generate a plot on the screen omitted
> res <-    tkmessageBox(title="Finish?",
>       message="save as PDF?",
>       icon="question", type="okcancel")
> if (tclvalue(res) == "ok")
>     Datei <- tkgetSaveFile(initialdir="temp/",defaultextension=".pdf",
>     initialfile="Haupt_Chl_Phaeo.pdf")
>     dev.copy(pdf, tclvalue(Datei))

You need to specify the arguments using their explicit names, namely:
And that should be followed by closing the pdf device (since dev.copy  
leaves the device open). So I would follow that by

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

> else graphics.off()
> graphics.off()
> In the moment I'm saving I dont have the pdf generated yet. If I  
> put it the
> other way round:
> dev.copy(pdf, tclvalue(Datei))
> if (tclvalue(res) == "ok")
>     Datei <- tkgetSaveFile(initialdir="temp/",defaultextension=".pdf",
>     initialfile="Haupt_Chl_Phaeo.pdf")
> I don't have the filename specified when it is needed.
> (But today I could finish the Windows versions at last, using  
> WinDialog ;-)
> Greetings
> Richard
> -- 
> Richard Müller - Am Spring 9 - D-58802 Balve-Eisborn
> www.oeko-sorpe.de

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