[R] Adding data to existing plot with new=TRUE does not appear to work

Paul Lemmens paul.lemmens at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 13:00:23 CEST 2007

Hi Petr,

On 7/4/07, Petr PIKAL <petr.pikal at precheza.cz> wrote:
> par(new=T)
> plot(aa,bb, xlim=range(0,3), ylim=range(0,10), new=TRUE)
So I need to activate the par(new=T) really just ahead of time when I
need it, not as sort of a general clause at the beginning of my

> However you can get similar result with using points
Yes I new that, but I wanted to try and go without an if() for
deciding between the first and consecutive columns.

Thnx for helping out!
Paul Lemmens

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