[R] Data mining tools

gerald.jean at dgag.ca gerald.jean at dgag.ca
Tue Jul 31 15:51:50 CEST 2007

Hello there, apologies for cross-posting

my question is not an S/R question but there is so much knowledge
concentrated in those lists that I thought someone could point me in the
right direction.

A few months ago I read an article in a referenced journal comparing some
data mining programs, among which there was Insightful's I Miner, SAS'
Entreprise Miner, SPSS' Clementine (I think) and a few others.
Unfortunately I can't remember in which journal was the article published
or who was the author?  I have been Googling a lot to try to locate the
article but to no avail!  Would someone know who published the article and
in which journal?  By the way, any serious, published comparisons of data
mining programs would be welcomed as the company I work for is planning to
add a data mining program to our tool box soon.

Thanks for any leads,

Gérald Jean
Conseiller senior en statistiques, Actuariat
télephone            : (418) 835-4900 poste (7639)
télecopieur          : (418) 835-6657
courrier électronique: gerald.jean at dgag.ca

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