[R] Datapoints underneath datapoints Problem

Philipp Pagel philipp.pagel.lists at t-online.de
Sat Jun 2 17:57:01 CEST 2007

> I would like to know if there is any
> possible way in which I could view those datapoints that are layered on top
> of each other

You could use jitter() to add a little noise to the data. Of course that
will slightly change the position of each point.

If that is not an option you could possibly detect points with almost
identical coordintes yourself and then change the color of the
respective plotting symbol.


Dr. Philipp Pagel                            Tel.  +49-8161-71 2131
Dept. of Genome Oriented Bioinformatics      Fax.  +49-8161-71 2186
Technical University of Munich
Science Center Weihenstephan
85350 Freising, Germany


Institute for Bioinformatics / MIPS          Tel.  +49-89-3187 3675
GSF - National Research Center               Fax.  +49-89-3187 3585
      for Environment and Health
Ingolstädter Landstrasse 1
85764 Neuherberg, Germany

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