[R] RMySQL question, sql with R vector or list

Chris Stubben stubben at lanl.gov
Tue Jun 5 17:39:16 CEST 2007

> I am trying to write a RMySQL sql script inside R such that part of the SQL
> would be R list or vector.  For example, I want to select * from Atable
> where ID would equal to a members of R list or vector of "1, 2, 3".  Here
> the ID list was generated inside R and then try to feed to mysql to call to
> get additional data sets.

You could pass a comma-separated list of IDs to the sql IN operator

## in MySQL

CREATE table tmp (id int, name char(1));
insert into tmp values (1, "A"), (2, "B"), (3, "C"), (4, "D"), (5, "E");

### in R


con <- dbConnect("MySQL",  dbname="test" )

 dbGetQuery(con,   paste("select * from tmp 
where id IN (", paste(ids,collapse=","), ")")  ) 

  id name
1  2    B
2  3    C
3  4    D

## simple lists also work

  id name
1  1    A
2  4    D
3  5    E


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