[R] correlation comparison one more time

rafael bartczuk at kul.lublin.pl
Sun Jun 17 12:19:31 CEST 2007

I would like ask again,
because I cant find the answer

I have such problem:

My data containing 4 variables (A,B,C,D) and are completed from 4 samples.
Each of matrix is such:
        A   B   C   D
A     1   ab   ac   ad
B     ab  1    bc   bd  
C     ac   bc   1   cd
D     ad   bd   cd   1

My hypothesis are that

ad is the strongest correlation for A and for D (sign doesn't matter)
bc is the strongest correlation for B and for C (sign doesn't matter)

across samples.

Is it possible test these hypothesis?

Any help would be appreciated

Rafał Bartczuk
bartczuk at kul.lublin.pl

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