[R] aov and lme differ with interaction in oats example of MASS?

Karl Knoblick karlknoblich at yahoo.de
Thu Jun 28 13:08:10 CEST 2007

Dear R-Community!

The example "oats" in MASS (2nd edition, 10.3, p.309) is calculated for aov and lme without interaction term and the results are the same. 
But I have problems to reproduce the example aov with interaction in MASS (10.2, p.301) with lme. Here the script:

options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
# aov: Y ~ N + V
oats.aov <- aov(Y ~ N + V + Error(B/V), data = oats, qr = T)
# now lme
oats.lme<-lme(Y ~ N + V, random = ~1 | B/V, data = oats)
anova(oats.lme, type="m") # Ok!
# aov:Y ~ N * V + Error(B/V)
oats.aov2 <- aov(Y ~ N * V + Error(B/V), data = oats, qr = T)
# now lme - my trial!
oats.lme2<-lme(Y ~ N * V, random = ~1 | B/V, data = oats)
anova(oats.lme2, type="m")
# differences!!! (except of interaction term)

My questions:
1) Is there a possibility to reproduce the result of aov with interaction using lme?
2) If not, which result of the above is the correct one for the oats example? 

Thanks a lot!

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