[R] object is not subsettable

Radek Blatny blatny at biomed.cas.cz
Thu Mar 1 13:47:29 CET 2007

Dear colleagues,
I've just come across a problem with the following command which is a  
part of the "metaOverview.R" code file provided as an monography- 
accompanying file at

R>  hasChr <- eapply(GOTERM, function(x)
+              x[grep("chromosome", Term(x))])

Error in x[grep("chromosome", Term(x))] : object is not subsettable

I have run the command in the (PPC) Mac OS X R 2.4.1 and (AMD Ubuntu)  
Linux R 2.4.0 with the same result so it shouldn't be any  
distribution-dependent problem. Obviously the "metaOverview.R" is not  
up-to-date since I had few problems before as well (e.g. that a  
function is in another package in BioC 1.9 etc.) but I was able to  
"repair" everything myself. However, this one I don't understand.  
Anyone can help? Some classes have changed?!

Best regards, Radek Blatny

Radek Blatny, MSc.
Institute of Molecular Genetics
Department of Mouse Molecular Genetics (Jiri Forejt unit)
Czech Academy of Sciences
Videnska 1083
142 20, Prague
Czech Republic
Tel. (+420) 241 062 260
Fax (+420) 241 062 154
email: blatny at biomed.cas.cz
Skype name: blatny

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