[R] Horvitz Thompson Variance

Tobias Verbeke tobias.verbeke at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 11:51:33 CET 2007

Gen wrote:
> I am performing linear regression R and would like to incorporate sampling
> weights.  

There is a survey package for the analysis of data from complex sample 
of which svyglm might fit your purposes.

For the home page of the package (with lots of materials), see


> Does any one know how to obtain Horvitz-Thompson variance estimates when
> performing linear regression?
> Thank you for your help.


Tobias Verbeke - Consultant
Business & Decision Benelux
Rue de la révolution 8
1000 Brussels - BELGIUM

+32 499 36 33 15
tobias.verbeke at businessdecision.com

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