[R] course on Analysis of Repeated Measurements by Ronald Geskus

Dick Verkerk verkerk at candiensten.nl
Fri Mar 23 18:11:46 CET 2007

   Analysis of Repeated Measurements
   By Dr. Ronald Geskus
   April 27, 2007
   Amsterdam, The Netherlands


   This course is aimed at everyone who is working with data that contain
   repeated measurements on persons or otherwise related data and who wants
   to analyse such data in a proper way.

   In many situations one may have data that show some form of dependence.
   Longitudinal data occur when some outcome variable is measured on
   experimental units at several points in time, often with the aim to study
   development over time. Dependence also occurs when data have been
   collected within units, like the performance score of students within
   different schools. For the analysis, special statistical methods are
   required that take account of the correlation of observations within the
   same unit. For normally distributed variables, the mixed-effects model is
   the standard tool for analysis. In S-PLUS and R, the NLME library
   introduced the "groupedData" class, which will be used as the basic
   structure for the analysis of linear models with repeated measurements
   (linear mixed effects). Together with the extensive possibilities for
   graphical exploration in S-PLUS and R, a flexible tool for the analysis of
   longitudinal data and the evaluation of the model fits are available.
   Programs for the analysis of discrete and non-normally distributed
   variables will also be covered briefly. Emphasis of the course is on the
   practical application of models for longitudinal data. Participants will
   be made familiar with the possibilities offered by S-PLUS and R through
   computer exercises.

   you will learn how to
   * plot individual patterns of repeated measurements in a flexible way
   * perform analyses for repeated measurements and show results graphically
   * evaluate model fit, numerically as well as graphically

   Experience with the analysis of repeated measurements is not assumed.
   Knowledge of R or S-PLUS at the level of the introductory course is advised.

   Location:  Amsterdam
   Date    :  April 27
   Time    :  10:00h.-17:00h.
   Price   :  EURO 395,- excl. VAT, Includes lunch and course materials

   - phone : +31-(0)20-560-8400
   - Email : altman at can.nl
   - Web   : http://www.can.nl/events/details.php?id=31

   There is a maximum of 12 participants.

   You may register by replying to this email and provide us with the
   following information.

   Name       :                      M / F
   Title      :
   Department :
   Institute  :
   Address    :
   City       :
   Zip        :
   Telephone  :
   Fax        :
   Email      :

   Please let us know if you have any questions.

   Please feel free to send this message on to your colleagues and friends
   for whom it might be interesting!!

   Kind regards,
   Dick Verkerk


   Dick Verkerk, managing director
   CANdiensten, Nieuwpoortkade 23-25, NL-1055 RX Amsterdam
   tel: +31 20 5608410 fax: +31 20 5608448 verkerk at candiensten.nl
   Your Partner in Mathematics and Statistics!

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