[R] using "\t" in mtext

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at comcast.net
Fri Mar 23 18:52:26 CET 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-23 at 18:29 +0100, Thomas Kaliwe wrote:
> Hi,
> Using tab spaces in mtext e.g.
> > mtext("\t")
> little squares are plotted. Is there a way to use "\t" without getting
> squares displayed?
> Thanks
> Thomas

See this post:


You could set up a vector of spaces of the effective tab length that you

  TAB <- paste(rep(" ", 8), collapse = "")

but bear in mind that unless you are using a monospace font in the
graph, it won't work for text alignment.

If you need text alignment (ie. columns, etc.) consider using the
textplot() function in the gplots package, which I reference in the post

Also reviewing this thread:


and using:

  RSiteSearch("text alignment plot")

might bring up other posts with alternate approaches.


Marc Schwartz

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