[R] Outlier detection with the dprep library

Talbot Katz topkatz at msn.com
Thu Mar 29 00:27:52 CEST 2007


The dprep library has at least three different methods for outlier 
detection: baysout, mahaout, robout.

I wanted to test them on a very simple data set:


As you can see by eyeballing this, the last point is a very good outlier 
candidate, and maybe the second to last point, too.  Anyway, I couldn't get 
a single one of the dprep methods to work.  They all gave me 
incomprehensible error messages (incomprehensible to me, at least).

Error in matrix(0, nrow, rep) : non-numeric matrix extent

Error in cov.rob(tempo, method = "classical") :
        at least 2 cases are needed

Error in as.matrix(out.sort[1:n, ]) : subscript out of bounds

Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?  I know there are a bunch of 
outlier detectors in R, can anyone recommend one (and perhaps show an 
example, preferably with my vrmat data set)?


--  TMK  --
212-460-5430	home
917-656-5351	cell

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