[R] Wikibooks

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Fri Mar 30 09:07:24 CEST 2007

Ben Bolker <bolker <at> zoo.ufl.edu> writes:

>   Well, we do have an R wiki -- http://wiki.r-project.org/rwiki/doku.php --
> although it is not as active as I'd like.  (We got stuck halfway through
> porting Paul Johnson's "R Tips" to it ...)   Please contribute!

I once tried:


but I don't think I will do this again on the existing Wiki. I am a frequent
Wikipedia-Writer, so I know how it works, but this was discouraging.

1) The structure of the Wiki was and is still incomprehensibly to me. I needed
too much time to find out how to put the stuff into it.

2) I decided to use the "large guides" section, because I wanted the thread
transcript to be one one page. If you check the revision history, you will find
that I needed more than three hours to get it working. The main reason is the
sluggish response, and the incomprehensible error messages or the lack of it
when some " was not matched or whatever (Thanks, Ben, for correcting the
remaining errors). This is a problem of the Wiki software used, other Wikis such
as Media(pedia) are much more tolerant or informant.

Then, Philippe Grosjean informed me: "Your page is way too long and is a rather
crude copy and paste from the long thread in the mailing list."

I disagree. Why do you have a "large guides" section? And taking into account
the amount of work I put into reformatting the transcript, I decided it was my
first and last contribution to the Wiki.

Dieter Menne

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