[R] Kronecker product in C file

Gabriel Rodrigues Alves Margarido gramarga at esalq.usp.br
Mon Nov 12 22:02:18 CET 2007

Hello, everyone.
I am writing a C code that uses quite a lot of matrix operations. I have
written my own functions for matrix-matrix multiplication, hadamard
(direct) and kronecker products.
However, I am sure using BLAS will greatly enhance speed. I did quite a
large search and found that I can use 'dgenn' for matrix-matrix
multiplication and 'dhrrrr' for hadamard product (will always use double
precision). On the other hand, I could not find a function to do the
kronecker product.

Any hints?

I tried to send this message ro R-devel, but always got a message saying
it was rejected by filter match. Don't know what's wrong...

Thank you in advance,
Gabriel Margarido.

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