[R] R - lme

S Ellison S.Ellison at lgc.co.uk
Tue Nov 13 17:56:31 CET 2007


Thanks for the data.

For me,
> summary(aov(Purity~Supplier/Batch, process))

gives exactly the same results for mean squares as
> aov(Purity~Supplier+Error(Supplier/Batch), process)
except that the latter gives no p-values (because Supplier appears as
both error term and fixed effect, there isn't anything left to test
supplier against)
For compactness, I'll use the mean squares in

               Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
Supplier        2 15.056   7.528  2.8526 0.07736 .
Supplier:Batch  9 69.917   7.769  2.9439 0.01667 *
Residuals      24 63.333   2.639  

The component of variance for batch is
(7.769-2.639)/3 = 1.71(1.307 as SD)

and for supplier, the between-supplier component of variance comes out
negative because it's 7.53-7.77 etc... and if you were testing the
supplier as a fixed effect, testing against the batch MS would imply
that supplier is not a significant effect.

For a mixed-effects model, I normally expected lme's syntax to be

lme(Purity~Supplier, random=~1|Batch, data=P),

but in this case this does not treat the batch as nested, because the
same batch levels appear in all Suppliers. I get the classical result
> process$BS<-factor(process$Supplier:process$Batch)
> lme(Purity~Supplier, random=~1|BS, data=process)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: P 
  Log-restricted-likelihood: -71.42198
  Fixed: Purity ~ Supplier 
(Intercept)  SupplierT2  SupplierT3 
 -0.4166667   0.7500000   1.5833333 

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | BS
        (Intercept) Residual
StdDev:    1.307622 1.624466

Which returns the expected 1.307 between-batch SD. 

Lesson, subject to correction from the gods of lme: lme's random
effects are not treated as nested within fixed effects groups unless the
level identifiers for the random effects are unique to the fixed effects
group they are in. 

And I obviously need to read Pinheiro and Bates again, or I'd have
known that without thinking about it.

Steve E

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