[R] generate combination set

Adrian Dusa dusa.adrian at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 14:57:57 CET 2007

Hi Haris,

On Thursday 15 November 2007, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
> I must be missing something. What's wrong with:
> combn(set, 2)
> or if we must t(combn(set,2)), optionally with a function argument in
> the combn call if something is to be done with the pairs?
> So if you really wanted the outputs to be "AB","AC" etc, you would do:
> combn(set,2, paste, collapse="")

Indeed, you got the right solution even from yesterday. I get my emails in a 
digest mode, so if you don't reply to all (CC all the others including the 
list) your solution doesn't arrive in my Inbox but until the next day.


Adrian Dusa
Romanian Social Data Archive
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