[R] Displaying R, N, Z-symbols with expression

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Nov 21 17:24:08 CET 2007

C.J.Albers wrote:
> Hi all,
> (Apologies if this has been asked before; I tried to search for it in the archives, but searching for terms like 'N' yields too many hits)
> Is it possible to display symbols like 'R' (the set of real numbers, so with an additional vertical line on the left) in plots using expression/plotmath?

Install the Hershey vector fonts and then use something like:
 text(x,y, "\\Re", vfont = c("serif symbol", "bold italic"), cex = 1.5)

It's more "Gothic" that what you described, but it may be an acceptable 

David Winsemius

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