[R] Using expression for Italics and object evaluation in plot title

Daniel Brewer daniel.brewer at icr.ac.uk
Wed Oct 10 12:12:23 CEST 2007


I am trying to get a title on a plot that contains both some formatting
and prints the value of an object.  What I have been using to get the
italics is:

title(sub=expression(paste("Log-rank test ",italic("p"),"-value = ",p.val)))

But this prints "p.val" rather than the object value.  I have tried
various combinations of paste and expression but it seems that to get
the italic expression function has to be called first.

Any ideas on how to get round this problem?


Daniel Brewer, Ph.D.
Institute of Cancer Research
Email: daniel.brewer at icr.ac.uk

The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital, a charitable Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England under Company No. 534147 with its Registered Office at 123 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RP.

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