[R] wordReport

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 17:41:15 CEST 2007

>From R, you can write an XML or HTML document and read it right into Word
in sufficiently new versions of Word.  Go into Word and save a sample
Word document in the format of your choice to see what it looks like.
Filtered HTML is particularly readable. Alternately, the R packages
RDCOMClient and rcom provide interfaces to Word's COM interface which
would presumably give you complete access to Word's facilities but would
be more work to program.

If you are using HTML then formulas would be included as images and
you can create images of formulas with R's graphic facilities which allows
the use of nice expressions to denote them.

There is also a latex2rtf program that will allow you to generate rich
text format files from latex that are readable in Word.

There may be some limitations to these methods so it would be worthwhile
prototyping anything first.

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